Ioncares Super Clean Series

Top notch Water Purification System (PVDF Ultra filtration 3.0)


Introducing our new water purification system – IONCARES SUPER CLEAN! PVDF Ultra Filtration 3.0 – the ultimate solution for high-performance filtration! With superior durability and excellent chemical resistance, Ioncares Super Clean UF delivers reliable and efficient results.

Exceptional Performance • Chemical Resistance • ExtremelyDurable

Discover the exceptional quality and reliability of Ioncares Super Clean & Super Clean PLUS. Trust in our stringent quality assurance standards and take the first step towards cleaner, safer water.

Highest Quality PVDF UF

Chemical resistance, durability, performance, temp. resistance, and versatility, the perfect material for outdoor water purification system.

Purification rateup to 0.01μm

Effectively removes impurities, bacteria, viruses, and microorganisms from the water, while preserving the natural minerals.


Click here to know more about Ioncares Super Clean!

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